
We Niramay Ayurved Clinic are leading ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Pimpri/Chinchwad, Best ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Pimpri, Chinchwad.

ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Pimpri, Best ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Pimpri, ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Chinchwad, Best ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis in Chinchwad.

At Niramay Ayurved Clinic we offer you the best Ayurvedic treatment for Arthritis.

Arthritis and other similar joint diseases cause considerable joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints and have very bad impact on the quality of life. Limitation of movements, discomfort in all daily routine and chronicity of the symptoms limit every aspect of the life. They also have impact on other systems of the body like heart valves arteries and veins etc.Theyare more prevalent nowadays due to sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.

Though all joint diseases cause similar symptoms, there are plenty of different types and varieties of these diseases. These need to be diagnosed by expert physician and different lines of treatments need to be followed.

There are different causative factors of arthritis like degenerative or inflammatory. Ayurveda, in these disorders, does not only treat the single joint but treat body as a whole to stop the degenerative or inflammatory process in its root.

We follow these principal at Niramay clinic and offer treatment not only to temporarily relieve pain but a complete remission of the disease with the following treatment.

Treatment consists of…

1. Pure herbal medicines to control the vitiation of Vata, elimination of Ama (toxins), reduce pain and swelling, relax the muscles and encourage bone formation,

2. Panchakarma therapies like basti,taildhara, Pindasweda Pottalisweda, Lepa

3. Medicated Oil massage

4. Yogasana for improving joint mobility.

5. Right diet

6. Lifestyle management and posture correction