Infertility & PCOS

We Niramay Ayurved Clinic are leading ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Pimpri/Chinchwad, Best ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Pimpri, Chinchwad.

ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Pimpri, Best ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Pimpri, ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Chinchwad, Best ayurvedic treatment for Infertility and PCOS in Chinchwad.

PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as Stein-Leventhal Syndrome, and is one of the most common hormonal endocrine disorders in women. PCOS is responsible for 70% of infertility issues in women who have difficulty ovulating. The syndrome is marked by delayed menses, weight gain, increased male pattern hair growth and anovulation which lead to infertility.

Unfortunately the incidences of PCOS are rapidly growing among young girls with urban lifestyle. There are no definite causes found but the overall increase in the consumption of junk food, lack of exercise, mental stress are the probable culprits.

Ayurveda classifies PCOD as a kapha disorder. Kapha having first affected the digestive fire – jatharaagni starts to affect the metabolic aspect of the seven tissues called dhatuagni. Each dhatuagni is responsible for the nourishment and formation of that particular tissue that it resides in. In the case of PCOD the dhatus affected are rasa dhatu – lymph and plasma, medadhatu – adipose tissue and artavadhatu – the female reproductive system.


Ayurveda adheres in preventing PCOD in a natural way by balancing the doshas. Apart from the miraculous panchakarma, Ayurveda suggests various herbs along with dietary and lifestyle changes to cure this disease.