Are you in search of the Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Chinchwad?


Since the year 1997, Nirmay Ayurved Clinic is the best best ayurvedic clinic in Chinchwad.We are providing traditional Ayurvedictreatments for the improvement of both physical and mental health. All our customized Ayurvedic therapies are available at affordable rate. With the team of expert doctors and wide distribution network, we have ability to attain your healthy lifestyle and cure diseases. We believe in providing authentic and innovative methods for various diseases. Our best Ayurvedicclinic has raised its name and reputation across the country by offering effective Ayurvedic treatments to the patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment Offered By Our Best AyurvedicClinic in Chinchwad:

Panchkarma: which include Vamana, Nashya, Virechana, Raktamokshna,Basti, and Purvakarma. It is the process of cleaning all toxins from the body and cleanses the body.

Stress and Pain Management: Some Ayurvedic relaxation techniques and massages namely, Abhyanga, swedana, pariseka, and mardana with sweda are most effective treatments to reduce pain and stress.

Weight reduced therapies: At our best Ayurvedic clinic, we provide customized and wide range of treatments on weight management and even organize some slimming programmes. Such treatments include patrapinda sweda, herbal supplements, yoga, churna pinda sweda, steam bath etc.

Hair and skin care: By knowing your hair and skin type, we offer treatment procedure which includes diet counselling, yoga, meditations, Ayurvedic massages, and herbal supplements. These treatments help to glow your skin and reduce all kinds of skin or hair related diseases.

Infertility or PCOS: The traditional Ayurvedic Therapies such as oral medication, Rasayana, Vajikarana, Panchkarma and santati bindu chikitsa are helpful for natural conception.